Welcome to B for Bola Blog. I'll be publishing on a frequent basis ranting down my thoughts without a certain guideline but everything about the truth. To know more about me, read the about me column. Duh!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Resistance Breakthrough

It's been more than a year since I last write here. Resistance got hold of me and procrastination penetrates me relentlessly. However, today mark my first revolution against them and here's my way of showing 'Come At Me Bro!' :)

We all yearn for the ultimate secret towards success. The shortcut, easy to accomplish route. The superb industry where the products sell itself, no need for sales pitch, no competition and is easy to enter - your ideal world. Some people might be jumping from industry to industry or company to company or even country to country in search of this perfect world but you and I both know that it didn't exist. Yet, people never stop trying.

The energy wasted in such meaningless pursuit can be put off to better use. The basic block of success is built from showing up everyday and committed towards our current endeavor. Whether you like it or not, whether you had a morning flu or diarrhea, whether you had a late night party or slept early, it doesn't matter. Your responsibility is to show up and do the work. A simple commitment to show up every time and deliver makes all the difference.

Often we hear people saying that we have to get out of our comfort zone and comfort zone is a nice place to be. The idea of getting out of it completely may haunt a person into paralyzing fear. If it is as such, why not expand your comfort zone? Once upon a time, you do not know how to ride a bicycle. The idea of learning it is out of your comfort zone but you do it anyway because you want to hang out with your friends. The moment you successfully learn how to ride a bicycle, riding bicycle become WITHIN your comfort zone, thus your comfort zone expanded.

Similarly, applying it to our work, every day in every way, expand your comfort zone. Maybe it's doing follow up call to your KIVs, maybe it's getting all the documentations in order, there is something we can do that can expand our comfort zone on a daily basis. The plus point of things you can do within your comfort zone? Your Resistance won't be battling you and ask you not to do it. But Resistance will sure fight like hell when you just started to do it and Resistance never go away. It is a good thing actually, as those things that Resistance ask you not to do is exactly what you MUST do. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How much do you worth?

You are what you think you are. This old age wisdom couldn't be much truer. And I would like to improvise, you are how much you think you worth.

I am not talking worthy in the sense of dollar and cents because then you would be blaring out that your dignity is so priceless that it cannot be matched by anything else in the world. I am talking about the way you bring up yourself in various situations.

Say for example, you are being interviewed and are asked on your expected salary, how would you reply? Grinning sheepishly and mumbling under your breath a figure? Then might as well you write in bold capital letter in your forehead 'I WANT XXX AMOUNT BUT I DON'T THINK I AM WORTH IT!'

Similar situations such as when you are increasing the rental for your condominium, when you are applying for a bank loan, when you are charging your consultancy fee to your clients, when you are presenting your idea across the board, when you are proposing to your fiance, etc; How do you response? Is your eyes staring at your shoes trying to catch a reflection of your pity self or do your face brims with such pride of ownership knowing deep down that you are delivering a value across?

Most normal executive class working people in Malaysia didn't carry this sense of pride and worthiness in them. When their clients voice out something, they dare not voice out their opinion. Heck, they are even scared to call up their clients when issues arises and work with them together to find a solutions.

All because they think they are not worthy enough. Deep down.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Compounding Factor

I believe you have heard of the power of compounding. Someone labeled it as the eighth wonders of the world, I forgotten who but I think it's Einstein. It's the accumulation of interest so subtle that you don't realize it at the beginning but as it gradually grows, soon its' effect seems to be exponential.

Of course you've seen it from one of the insurance presentation that your ex-primary schoolmate present to you. To add salt to the pain, she have not been in contact with you for 13 years and the first thing she comes and talk to you is that how she 'cares' for your retirement and wealth protection.

But other than insurance, in fact most of the things in our life also works on this compounding factor. Say for example; you hate your wife nagging at you, you hate people cutting queue in front of your car, you hate guy that covers his thin hair across his bald head and you hate waiter that brings you wrong order.

Each of this irritable behavior, standing alone doesn't carry much weight. Although it irritates you, you can tolerate. But if on the morning that you're about to go to work, you step on your kids toy and fell down spraining your back and your wife nags at your negligence followed by two idiot Malaysian driver cut your queue from both sides simultaneously; when you reach your breakfast spot, the new half bald waiter brings you a wrong order, I'm pretty sure he'll be screwed upside down by you. That's compounding factor at work.

I had a real experience today on the compounding factor. Normally my tolerance level is super high, but imagine the above description describes only my morning and I am being asserted by these situations 3 times a day for continuously 3 days. Would you blow? I did.

Sorry Michael, you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, that's why I FUCK-ED you. Anyway, you still suck BIG TIME!