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Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Child Within

Each and everyone of us carries a child within us. This child always brims with joy, brings infectious smiles to people around them, more curious than the cat and enjoys the simple pleasure of the world as everything is like the first time experience to them. Not that I'm saying all first time experience is good, some may be awkward, which I'll leave it to your imagination.

Anyway, back to this child within. Unfortunately, our environment, culture and brought up has inadvertently suppress this child within deep inside us. We lock the child down in the toughest prison wall that our heart can manage. At most, this child within only manage a whiff of radiant eyes and joyful smile but quickly being shut down again due to our environment. We are afraid that people will say that we are weak or immature if we let the child within out.

Some of the time that we even forget that we let the child within out is the time where we are happiest. The moment when you giggle together with your spouse/fiance busting each other balls joyfully, the moment when the bitter-faced grandpa smile from the heart seeing his grandchild chuckling merrily, the moment when your son take his first step; these are the moments when we let go and our child within come out and play. Why can't we have more of these moments?

Of course you would say that your line of work requires you to suppress your child within. Say for example, if you are a loan collection officer, sure you need to be damn serious to be able to collect the loan right? Or you are a school principal, sure you need to exert some kind of authority towards that bunch of monkeys right? Or perhaps, you are the CEO of a multinational corporation, you can't afford your child within to come out and toy around with that USD 5 billion project which takes near to eight years to complete right?

I am here to announce to you the news: You are damn fucking wrong!

Let the child within you to participate in your world and even enhance on your perception! Look things from a totally new angle and you may found that the trouble shooting you had been doing for 2 years for that USD 5 billion project is because of your chief engineer had forgotten to turn on the switch! (Well, I am a bit exaggerating here.) Add some spices here and there to your life. Let loose and let go! LIVE YOUR LIFE! Let the child within come out and play!

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