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Monday, December 27, 2010

Do you have attitude responsive problem?

Ever had something that you are requested to do or some questions that are asked to you which you don't feel like doing at all? Or how about an assignment that you had been given some time to do but because you hate doing it so much, you did not put any effort into thinking it, therefore when people asked you about it, you feel annoyed and irritated. How do you response?

First, you can try the silent treatment. Just assume that you never hear anything and keep looking busy.

Second, you can add silent treatment with a sulky face to scare off the people who are asking you about it.

Third, you can give a direct and cold 'NO!' and walking away either pretending to be so busy engaging in something or running away from the probing queries.

Forth, if you didn't think of a solution and while others are discussing on how to solve it, you can be the first one to reject the solutions blatantly but again choose either of the above three reactions when people ask for your own solution.

Fifth, you can always smile apolegitically and said that you never really give a thought on that as you hate to do it so much and try your very best to give full cooperation towards coming out with a better solution.

How do YOU response?

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