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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Transition Period

As time pass by, we go through various transition period.

When we are young babies, mummy and daddy are everything to us. That's the only place that we feel safe and totally comfortable. But when we reach teenagers age, it feels embarassing to have mummy kissing you while leaving you off to school. You fell head over heels to that irritating girl you used to make fun off when you are in kindergarden. That is a transition period.

Then we grow, tumbles, party, make mistakes and learn valuable lesson in the pursuit of our own path. Staying in a house is like a total waste of time. We are always in the move and going for activities after activities be it on day time or midnight. That irritating girl is now your ex. Every night is 'yamca' time. That is a transition period.

Soon, we learn the responsibility of being a young adult, we learn to plan our career and want to earn loads of money. Yet, we still make new friends and ventures. We upgrade our 'yamca' time to clubbing time. We settle down with 'the one' after 'n' experiences. We make more mistakes, we learn more to be a better person. That is a transition period.

Suddenly, the idea of clubbing seems to be a distant call, even a heavy burden. After work and on weekends, we just want to chill out in the comfort of our home. Weekend party is replaced with weekend property viewing. We start to think of family and having our own offspring. We shake our head in disbelief of how wild the teenagers and young adults are nowadays. That is a transition period.

It means you are in the 30s zone already and born around the 80s. I'm not sure how much transition period we are going to go through but you get the idea of how old I am right now.

How are you handling your transition period?

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