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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The End

With Internet and Facebook nowadays, information travel at light speed and gossips travel at 10 times light speed. Just like the recent case of someone posting in the Facebook of his suicidal moments.

The media and Internet have spread this issue like a wild fire and now the collateral damage is going to be seen. A lot of wannabes are posting on Facebook on when they are going to meet their end. And right now, they are just 'waiting for the end' like how Linkin Park sang it.

Haven't the media learn enough when Marilyn Monroe is found death by suicide, the suicidal rate jumps up more than 20%. Glorified media coverage on suicide issues will just enhance suicidal rate. Period.

But still, human like to make mistakes - understandable. However, repeated mistakes? That's just pure dumb.

So, no pictures. No more glorifying. Do you wanna trade your life for something new?

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