Welcome to B for Bola Blog. I'll be publishing on a frequent basis ranting down my thoughts without a certain guideline but everything about the truth. To know more about me, read the about me column. Duh!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do you have what it takes?

Do you have what it takes to see through your creation?

All of us are creative and all of us at one time or another dreamt of doing or being something. We may have the 'silliest' inspiration to work on something or to create a new project but after the initial adrenalin rush of ideas, we mooted it off with 1001 excuses. We are not knowledgeable enough, rich enough, young enough, old enough, healthy enough, etc etc

Most of the people leave that 'silly' inspiration to it's initial form... thoughts. Thoughts which we rejected whole-heartedly with excuses.

Some people, act on it! They have 101% enthusiasm and energy at the initial stage to make that dream come true but then, as in all path, there will be challenges ahead. They then succumb to these challenges, unable to find solutions and drifting far away from their initial purpose. After numerous attempt and unable to find the breakthrough, they quit. Unfinished projects like this are all over the world.

Some, whose project has been running in their infant stage, cash out too soon. Victoria Secret is started by a man who wants to buy lingerie for his wife comfortably because he feel embarassed when walking in to other shops to purchase lingerie. After an initial run of success more than he ever had intended, he sold off the company for USD 2 Million. In 2 years time, Victoria Secret under the new management realize its' full potential and it is worth USD 500 Million! Like what Mark Zuckernberg the founder of Facebook says... Opportunities are hard to come by, but when we found one, we had this obligation to see it through to its' full potential no matter what! That is why Facebook is worth billions even though Friendster and MySpace has been in the internet for ages and they haven't even reach the billion dollar mark.

Make effort to think and act at the same time. Don't wait for muse to appear then only we start to think and take action... It doesn't work that way. Have critical thinking with you at all time and the muse that you've been searching will find you.

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