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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Do you like to take leave?

One of the trend of young adults in the corporate world nowadays is absentism. They juggle medical leave, emergency leave, personal leave, half-day leave, my-great-grandma-is-helping-the-cat-to-deliver-kittens leave and all sorts of leave just not to be present to work. And they taught they are the best of the best in what they do and they no need to work hard like other dumbass out there.

Lack of passion and motivation of work together with the allure of the late entertainment lifestyle in the city has prompt such behavior. Not to mention the internet and all those online games that sucks your time dry. With no proper sleep time, one gets sick (mentally and physically) and takes leave.

I read a lot. A lot of successful people share few key traits. One of such traits is their commitment to their work. They never take leave to be away from their work. They get tired and holiday moods too like us, but they go to work on a regular basis. Day in, day out; they set their schedule ahead and stick to it diligently.

That's the simple thing that we need to do disciplinely. Work on a regular basis. Not taking leave on Friday because Thursday is a ladies night special in the bar.

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