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Monday, December 20, 2010

Successful or 'looking' successful?

Everyone wish to be a successful person and we use all kind of measures to determine whether one is a successful person or not. Far too often, we are so blinded by the commercial branding of success that we use material and appearance to judge a person whether he/she is successful or not.

If we see someone driving a Lamborghini Murcielago, we immediately have the perception that he is successful. But, is he successful because he drives a Lambo or, he drives a Lambo because he is successful?

Often, many fall into the trap of labeling and live beyond their means purchasing branded goods just to 'look' successful. That's the root of our credit card issue.  Carrying a LV bag doesn't make you successful. It's just that successful person carries LV bag.

The inner is always more important than the outer. Having a passionate desire to learn and excel is much more important than being admitted to Cambridge or Oxford University. You know, they have drop-out students too.

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