Welcome to B for Bola Blog. I'll be publishing on a frequent basis ranting down my thoughts without a certain guideline but everything about the truth. To know more about me, read the about me column. Duh!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Fire is what you feel when you are so charged up and passionate towards your job that you go for meetings and appointments on Sunday. Best part is - on Saturday you down beers like there's no tomorrow.

Fire is what you feel when during that Sunday appointment, some lunatic bastards drive with a blindfold and knock into your car. Although he's clearly in the wrong (He apologized as soon as he get out of the car. You don't apologize if you are not wrong.), halfway through the compensation negotiation, with the help of his more lunatic and moron friends, he decided to play hard negotiation and tries to wiggle out another RM50 from you through a half an hour sarcastic talks.

Fire is what you think you have avoided when a friend calls you up and describe his night rampage with some lady which you introduced to him. Lucky you, for rejecting her so many times. You are starting up a family soon for God's sake!

Fire is what you feel when you had a dinner blast with loads of ginger and birds eye chilli (cili padi) soothing down your emotional torrent. Yeah, you are an emotional eater!

Fire is what you feel when after all this shit, you still diligently completed all your weekly reports in record time, write your blog and going off to another work meeting - ENTHUSIASTICALLY!

Some fire drives you like a burning desire, some fire burns you. Do not play with fire. Use fire wisely. Look into my eyes. What do you see?

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