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Thursday, November 25, 2010


No matter how fast you run, you'll never outrun yourself. Your unresolved past will always come back to haunt you. That's a truth of life but it always amaze me how human being always goes against the rational choice and keep running away.

Scared to shit to face it once and for all and be done with it. Instead, they run and run and run and drink and do drugs and yell at their spouses. Then they blame the whole world for being so cruel to them and continue running in all kind of ways. Know someone like that?

Or perhaps, they are not bold enough. Procrastinate what needs to be done into tomorrow. Diet to achieve the hour glass figure, cutting loss on a bad investment, cutting the grass on your lawn, spending time with your children, settling down with your loved ones, etc are going to be the same problem when you wake up tomorrow. It's just going to taunt you again and said - Here I come again you chicken!

Do you run like a mad chicken in your life?

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