Welcome to B for Bola Blog. I'll be publishing on a frequent basis ranting down my thoughts without a certain guideline but everything about the truth. To know more about me, read the about me column. Duh!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Humans are territorial. We tend to believe that with our moral value and advance rational thinking, we aren't but the fact is we are no more difference than a wolf or a dog marking their territory by spraying their urine.

Well, we use better methods since we don't possess the sharp smelling nose like wolves or dogs. We close our arms when someone poses questions that threatens our belief system; we scorn when a motorbike accidentally scratches our car side mirror while weaving in and out of traffic; we kept an arm-length distance towards someone we barely knew; we invite certain people that we like towards close sensual proximity - most invite opposite sex, some similar sex while some both; we irk when our brilliant thought of ideas are being stampede by the board; we are scared when we are thrown into some territory that doesn't belong to us - say a prison; I can go on and on....

In an empty room for a free seating seminar, ever notice that the room is filled up by someone taking the bottom left corner seat, followed by bottom right corner, followed by bottom middle, etc etc? Everyone taking the farthest position away from each other. Why is that so? Territorial behavior.

We human take ownership of what we do or create. It gives us purpose and meaning of life but when that something is being challenged, we have the strong tendency to defend it as if someone just step into our territory. We react consciously or unconsciously - creating gates, doors, electric fences, pepper spray and even training up armies, creating borders, developing nuclear warheads with only one purpose in mind. Defending our territory or expanding our territory.

Looks like we are not so different than most territorial animals anyway.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


My stomach is rumbling now as I await my home-made chicken rice to be cooked. My mind is blank as my only focus right now is for my taste buds to land into a mouthful of the fragrant chicken rice with scallop! The picture of me downing mouthfuls of the delicious chicken rice which I cooked all by myself is plain disturbing! My mouth is watering like Goldbar my pet dog during his dinner time albeit the licking lips part.

It's been donkey years since I last cooked. And what I mean by cooking is a full blown meal. Not a pack of maggi mee with some scallops, mushrooms and egg all boil under a pot for 3 minutes. That is my fast food.

Today it's something like those Teo Chew Chicken Rice (I think). I stir fried the fresh chicken with garlic, ginger, lots of dark soya sauce, light soya sauce, oyster sauce, pepper and some salt. Before that, the fresh chicken cubes are marinated with some sesame oil. The chicken are stir fried until 80% done and I took it out and mixed with the rice to cook it. It's something like the claypot chicken rice but mine had scallop in it. :)

The aroma of it is really killing me as my vocabulary to describe my feelings faded into nothingness due to my THUNDERING stomach. Guess that, that's it for today as I am heading towards savouring my therapeutic lunch today!

The Child Within

Each and everyone of us carries a child within us. This child always brims with joy, brings infectious smiles to people around them, more curious than the cat and enjoys the simple pleasure of the world as everything is like the first time experience to them. Not that I'm saying all first time experience is good, some may be awkward, which I'll leave it to your imagination.

Anyway, back to this child within. Unfortunately, our environment, culture and brought up has inadvertently suppress this child within deep inside us. We lock the child down in the toughest prison wall that our heart can manage. At most, this child within only manage a whiff of radiant eyes and joyful smile but quickly being shut down again due to our environment. We are afraid that people will say that we are weak or immature if we let the child within out.

Some of the time that we even forget that we let the child within out is the time where we are happiest. The moment when you giggle together with your spouse/fiance busting each other balls joyfully, the moment when the bitter-faced grandpa smile from the heart seeing his grandchild chuckling merrily, the moment when your son take his first step; these are the moments when we let go and our child within come out and play. Why can't we have more of these moments?

Of course you would say that your line of work requires you to suppress your child within. Say for example, if you are a loan collection officer, sure you need to be damn serious to be able to collect the loan right? Or you are a school principal, sure you need to exert some kind of authority towards that bunch of monkeys right? Or perhaps, you are the CEO of a multinational corporation, you can't afford your child within to come out and toy around with that USD 5 billion project which takes near to eight years to complete right?

I am here to announce to you the news: You are damn fucking wrong!

Let the child within you to participate in your world and even enhance on your perception! Look things from a totally new angle and you may found that the trouble shooting you had been doing for 2 years for that USD 5 billion project is because of your chief engineer had forgotten to turn on the switch! (Well, I am a bit exaggerating here.) Add some spices here and there to your life. Let loose and let go! LIVE YOUR LIFE! Let the child within come out and play!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


No matter how fast you run, you'll never outrun yourself. Your unresolved past will always come back to haunt you. That's a truth of life but it always amaze me how human being always goes against the rational choice and keep running away.

Scared to shit to face it once and for all and be done with it. Instead, they run and run and run and drink and do drugs and yell at their spouses. Then they blame the whole world for being so cruel to them and continue running in all kind of ways. Know someone like that?

Or perhaps, they are not bold enough. Procrastinate what needs to be done into tomorrow. Diet to achieve the hour glass figure, cutting loss on a bad investment, cutting the grass on your lawn, spending time with your children, settling down with your loved ones, etc are going to be the same problem when you wake up tomorrow. It's just going to taunt you again and said - Here I come again you chicken!

Do you run like a mad chicken in your life?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This blog thingy have been tinkering in my mind for quite some time since I've always love to read and write but due to 'the obligation of earning money to be multi millionaire' I've neglected it. Heck, I am now not any richer than when I thought I should start penning down my thoughts.

The one thing I'm constantly 'considering' of before starting to write a blog is - What is my direction? This 'considering' habit of mine has been killing and derail me from lots of opportunities but that's a story for another time.

I'm wondering, what would people love to read? I am certainly not some pretty bimbo with big boobs and killing smile where I can just rant about my Monday blues and hundreds will comment something about it showering me with lovely encouragements. So, writing about my daily routines ain't gonna get much publicity I think.

Then I thought about our country's political issue which I plan to be vocal about it but seeing how RPK is treated, I'd rather be the anonymous face for the time being else I get ISA-ed. Besides, it will be an effort like throwing stones to the lake without hearing any sound at all. People that share my demographic has been too pissed to care.

Thereafter, I thought of just outblown my dark secret and made it to be a conspiracy. Seducing people with dramas and serial killer thoughts. Exposing the ugly truth of a person's wicked mind seems tempting but was it only my mind that can create such wicked thoughts? What if I manifest it to a point where I become the character in my story? To act so real that it become real itself?

Legendary writers said that we should write on what we know about. And if only I'm sharing what I know about and real, then what's the use of my imaginative mind? Everything would be so mundane right? No exciting twist, just 9 to 5 boring stories. And I don't have boobs remember?

Eating blogs, photography blogs, wedding blogs, recipe blogs, car blogs, pretty chick blogs are APLENTY! It's nothing new, nothing refreshing.

Then it dawns on me. How about the truth? People lies all the time. White lies, black lies, embarassing lies, plain lies, cover-up lies and lies to hide all the above lies is practiced by almost anyone. Do we choose convenient lies or difficult truths? How about when you don't talk about it, is this deception lies? Or, is it ok if it's half truths? Only sharing what's convenient and sweeping the skeletons under the bed?

So, B for Bola aims to speak the ultimate TRUTH! Am I always speaking the truth? Heck, no! But an aim is better than no aim right? Follow me for the spicy stories that I am going to reveal, emabarassing moments where a simple lie is much more convenient, inspiring truth benefits and much much more on all the considerations I ever have.

Follow me for the TRUTH! Adios~