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Monday, January 3, 2011

Victim vs. Owner

We have a rough idea when people say 'Victim Thinking'. Essentially, it means one who always play the victim character and the whole wide world is unjust towards him/her. He/she will blame, moan and bitch to all that would lend them ears and mostly the listener will be other victims who will say 'You think that's bad? Wait till you hear my story!' and they will go on and on.

The opposite of victim will be an owner. An owner owns his spirit and treats life as a wonderful journey. Instead of complaining, they look for solutions. They improvise and innovate their way throughout and they just keep getting better. An owner touches the soul of people around them through their words and actions. When you watch or listen to someone and you feel goose bumps in your heart, that's when you see an owner in action.

For example, a good singer may sing a song and hit all the notes perfectly but when we listen to it, it sounds good only. Nothing special. But, when an owner sings, we feel the spirit and inspirations that touches us. It's the moment when you unknowingly said 'WOW!' or the moment when tears start streaming down uncontrollably. These people take full ownership of the moment and perform something beyond our consciousness. It performs straight to our spirit.

Sportsman, artists, politicians, salesmen and even normal people like you and me experience this total ownership moments before. It seems like something bigger and greater than our normal self is in play and we totally owned it.

Be an owner and live the moment. Stop bitching and complaining.

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