Welcome to B for Bola Blog. I'll be publishing on a frequent basis ranting down my thoughts without a certain guideline but everything about the truth. To know more about me, read the about me column. Duh!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Your truth or absolute truth?

Truth is really a matter of perception. Most of the time, your truth is not the absolute truth. Your truth is base on the accumulation of your culture, experience and exposure. These experiences creates your perception and judgment of what's the truth and what's not.

Even your truth changes over time, when you are a kid, you are afraid of the monster under your bed. As you grow older, you know that monster under the bed is not the truth, but the effect is so strong that sometimes you are still afraid of the dark.

Before Portugese Sailor, Ferdinand Magellan's expedition sail around the world during 1519-1522, people believe that the world is flat. That is the majority truth at the time, but still it is not the absolute truth.

Your truth believes that you are super busy now but the absolute truth is that you are too lazy to invest your time effectively. 10 years from now, you are going to moan that you're busier than ever, but still that is not the absolute truth.

Because someone told you so before, because it is done that way previously, because you seen it before, because everyone says so, because Blah Blah Blah; remember that it is still not the absolute truth. Don't be too fixated on your view, people or you yourself might prove that it's a false belief afterall.

We live in the greatest time in the world right now; open your eyes,ears and heart; satisfy your curiosity and find the absolute truth!

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