Welcome to B for Bola Blog. I'll be publishing on a frequent basis ranting down my thoughts without a certain guideline but everything about the truth. To know more about me, read the about me column. Duh!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Vice that brings out your true colour

If you want to know a person's true character and you had just know him/her for a short period of time, there's a short cut. And, no, it's not hiring a fortune teller. Just indulge them in these vices: escort services (that's for man only obviously), gambling and alcohol.

The presence of a beautiful lady in a close door can reveal a lot about a man. Maybe they will go all gooey pouring out their heart to them or their hands (and other body parts) get naughty or both. You'll get to see a whole new personality of him in split seconds. Of course, he mustn't know that you are peeping.

Gambling with real money and especially at significant stake can also brings out the inner personality of a particular person. Is he/she narrow minded? How important is money in their perception? Do they take losses gracefully? Most people don't and they will grumble and blame their 18th generation ancestor for that poor bet that they just lost.

But both the above methods, if realized, and with a small amount of self control, can still mask their true colour unless you are trained to read microexpressions on their face.

Therefore, alcohol consumption or what we call in layman term - hardcore drinking is the perfect vice to reveal one's true behavior. Of course, there are drugs but I am not experienced there, so we keep to the simple everyday vice. After a few shots down, you feel like people around you are your best friends, you keep babbling emotionally non-stop like the old hen's asshole. If you had suppressed emotions like anger, guilt, sadness, and so on; after more shots, you'll start to either cry, laugh uncontrollably, throwing out tantrums or being overtly aggressive. The suppressed emotion will pour out like an open water tap.

So, friendly advice to those that haven't indulge in these vices, either you don't do it at all for the rest of your life or you experience it in a safe environment and, recognize your limit and behaviors. Thereafter, when the unexpected occasion demands, you know how to handle yourself.

(p/s: Although I know my limits, my 'bad' behaviour when I'm high is chasing after drinks and challenge the whole wide world to 'kan pei' with me, so occasionally I am way off limits too; safer bet? Don't do it!)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Do you have attitude responsive problem?

Ever had something that you are requested to do or some questions that are asked to you which you don't feel like doing at all? Or how about an assignment that you had been given some time to do but because you hate doing it so much, you did not put any effort into thinking it, therefore when people asked you about it, you feel annoyed and irritated. How do you response?

First, you can try the silent treatment. Just assume that you never hear anything and keep looking busy.

Second, you can add silent treatment with a sulky face to scare off the people who are asking you about it.

Third, you can give a direct and cold 'NO!' and walking away either pretending to be so busy engaging in something or running away from the probing queries.

Forth, if you didn't think of a solution and while others are discussing on how to solve it, you can be the first one to reject the solutions blatantly but again choose either of the above three reactions when people ask for your own solution.

Fifth, you can always smile apolegitically and said that you never really give a thought on that as you hate to do it so much and try your very best to give full cooperation towards coming out with a better solution.

How do YOU response?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Do you like to take leave?

One of the trend of young adults in the corporate world nowadays is absentism. They juggle medical leave, emergency leave, personal leave, half-day leave, my-great-grandma-is-helping-the-cat-to-deliver-kittens leave and all sorts of leave just not to be present to work. And they taught they are the best of the best in what they do and they no need to work hard like other dumbass out there.

Lack of passion and motivation of work together with the allure of the late entertainment lifestyle in the city has prompt such behavior. Not to mention the internet and all those online games that sucks your time dry. With no proper sleep time, one gets sick (mentally and physically) and takes leave.

I read a lot. A lot of successful people share few key traits. One of such traits is their commitment to their work. They never take leave to be away from their work. They get tired and holiday moods too like us, but they go to work on a regular basis. Day in, day out; they set their schedule ahead and stick to it diligently.

That's the simple thing that we need to do disciplinely. Work on a regular basis. Not taking leave on Friday because Thursday is a ladies night special in the bar.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Successful or 'looking' successful?

Everyone wish to be a successful person and we use all kind of measures to determine whether one is a successful person or not. Far too often, we are so blinded by the commercial branding of success that we use material and appearance to judge a person whether he/she is successful or not.

If we see someone driving a Lamborghini Murcielago, we immediately have the perception that he is successful. But, is he successful because he drives a Lambo or, he drives a Lambo because he is successful?

Often, many fall into the trap of labeling and live beyond their means purchasing branded goods just to 'look' successful. That's the root of our credit card issue.  Carrying a LV bag doesn't make you successful. It's just that successful person carries LV bag.

The inner is always more important than the outer. Having a passionate desire to learn and excel is much more important than being admitted to Cambridge or Oxford University. You know, they have drop-out students too.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fit In or Stand Out?

Since young, our environment and culture always nudges us towards being accepted by others. Others perception and view towards us are so important that it became part of our life.

You see, there are two ways to be accepted. You can fit in to the majority (meaning: another Joe Average standing in a long queue), doing things normally just because 'others do the same too' or 'others expect me to do that'. You might as well try fitting yourself in a small box and mail yourself away.

Or, you can stand out from the majority (meaning: being a leader or rock band superstar) and living your life graciously. Pursue your dream, do things that you love and be a source of inspiration for people around you.
You can either fir in or stand out. Not both!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Rising above the tide

We are often challenged by life circumstances no matter how old we are. At each stages of life, there will always be a certain lesson that we need to learn, sometimes learning it the hard way. Doesn't matter if you are 8 or 88 years old, life just have the perfect dosage of lesson to teach you.

The question is, are you someone who falls and cry when stumbled on a boulder? Or, you fall and pick yourself up, shake off the dirt and step on the boulder to climb a notch higher? Easier said than done right? I believe you can relate to that.

A true measure of success means that when the challenges are the biggest, the stronger and tougher you become. You keep rising above the challenges that came down crushing and you never complain. In fact, you understand that, that is the nature of life.

Imagine if everything is so smooth and there is NO challenges at all in your life. Will you be happy? Think about it seriously and deeply. After 3 months of 'nothingness' happens (since it's so smooth), will you get bored of your life?

So, do you drown?

Or, do you rise and thrive?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The End

With Internet and Facebook nowadays, information travel at light speed and gossips travel at 10 times light speed. Just like the recent case of someone posting in the Facebook of his suicidal moments.

The media and Internet have spread this issue like a wild fire and now the collateral damage is going to be seen. A lot of wannabes are posting on Facebook on when they are going to meet their end. And right now, they are just 'waiting for the end' like how Linkin Park sang it.

Haven't the media learn enough when Marilyn Monroe is found death by suicide, the suicidal rate jumps up more than 20%. Glorified media coverage on suicide issues will just enhance suicidal rate. Period.

But still, human like to make mistakes - understandable. However, repeated mistakes? That's just pure dumb.

So, no pictures. No more glorifying. Do you wanna trade your life for something new?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Transition Period

As time pass by, we go through various transition period.

When we are young babies, mummy and daddy are everything to us. That's the only place that we feel safe and totally comfortable. But when we reach teenagers age, it feels embarassing to have mummy kissing you while leaving you off to school. You fell head over heels to that irritating girl you used to make fun off when you are in kindergarden. That is a transition period.

Then we grow, tumbles, party, make mistakes and learn valuable lesson in the pursuit of our own path. Staying in a house is like a total waste of time. We are always in the move and going for activities after activities be it on day time or midnight. That irritating girl is now your ex. Every night is 'yamca' time. That is a transition period.

Soon, we learn the responsibility of being a young adult, we learn to plan our career and want to earn loads of money. Yet, we still make new friends and ventures. We upgrade our 'yamca' time to clubbing time. We settle down with 'the one' after 'n' experiences. We make more mistakes, we learn more to be a better person. That is a transition period.

Suddenly, the idea of clubbing seems to be a distant call, even a heavy burden. After work and on weekends, we just want to chill out in the comfort of our home. Weekend party is replaced with weekend property viewing. We start to think of family and having our own offspring. We shake our head in disbelief of how wild the teenagers and young adults are nowadays. That is a transition period.

It means you are in the 30s zone already and born around the 80s. I'm not sure how much transition period we are going to go through but you get the idea of how old I am right now.

How are you handling your transition period?

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Fire is what you feel when you are so charged up and passionate towards your job that you go for meetings and appointments on Sunday. Best part is - on Saturday you down beers like there's no tomorrow.

Fire is what you feel when during that Sunday appointment, some lunatic bastards drive with a blindfold and knock into your car. Although he's clearly in the wrong (He apologized as soon as he get out of the car. You don't apologize if you are not wrong.), halfway through the compensation negotiation, with the help of his more lunatic and moron friends, he decided to play hard negotiation and tries to wiggle out another RM50 from you through a half an hour sarcastic talks.

Fire is what you think you have avoided when a friend calls you up and describe his night rampage with some lady which you introduced to him. Lucky you, for rejecting her so many times. You are starting up a family soon for God's sake!

Fire is what you feel when you had a dinner blast with loads of ginger and birds eye chilli (cili padi) soothing down your emotional torrent. Yeah, you are an emotional eater!

Fire is what you feel when after all this shit, you still diligently completed all your weekly reports in record time, write your blog and going off to another work meeting - ENTHUSIASTICALLY!

Some fire drives you like a burning desire, some fire burns you. Do not play with fire. Use fire wisely. Look into my eyes. What do you see?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Money vs Love

This is an old debate of mankind. When you are in a relationship or going into a relationship, is it money/material or love that is more important? In today's ever changing and fast paced environment, money or the possession of significant materials seems to get more and more important to all of us.

But, before we go any further, I think when we are choosing someone to be a life partner, shouldn't it be that we are looking for happiness? And on the pursuit of happiness, can money or love withstand the test of time?

I am an old sentimental. I opt for love in a relationship which I believe is a better shot in the pursuit of happiness. Even if you choose money today and slowly cultivate your love towards him/her later, all may works out well, until the day the business fails or natural disaster strucks where all the money is out in the drain and left you dry alone.

One can never know the future, you are rich today doesn't mean you will be rich forever. Vice versa, I believe money is always easy to earn so long as you put your brain into work and support it with action and faith. Besides, what happen when the money is gone, do you still love him/her? If not, then you'll be broke, unhappy, without love and stuck with 2 kids that thirst for milk.

So do you choose this?

Or this?

I know, the stack of USD is very very tempting right? :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fuck Crush Fetish

One of the characteristics of a sociopath and a psychopath is cruelty to animals. From young they start killing small animals and evolve into a serial killer on those worst case scenarios. Yeah, I watch too much Criminal Minds series...

But I think recently, most of us has seen in Facebook or YouTube, videos of pretty young girls in China killing small rabbits senselessly. It's rather disturbing. Initially, people had thought that it's a stand alone mentally distraught person but soon, investigations revealed that it is planned and organized by a group called Crush Fetish.

They did it for monetary gain purpose! I mean, how sick is the people in the world nowadays? And even more sickening is that they manage to rake in profits! Which means, generally, people buy this sadistic videos! It bothers me too much to place the video links but here are some pictures..

This sweet smiling girl later sit on a glass sandwiching the rabbit between the glass and the table.

I am not a religious guy but, GOD PLEASE SAVE THIS WORLD! And, Fuck You Crush Fetish!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Kuala Lumpur International Motorshow

Well, last saturday I went to KLIM at PWTC. And suffice to say that it does not live up to my expectation.

First, the carmakers that make its' debut is 'second class'. The world's best automaker are from Germany, Italy and most part of European country. Sweeden's car is famous for their safety standards and turbo engines - yeah, I mean Volvo and Saab, I am bias I admit! No Audi, Mercedes Benz, Porsche, Jaguar and BMW! Not even Alfa Romeo! Not to mention American brands under the General Motors or Ford flagship. I mean how international is that? Better name it as Kuala Lumpur Asia Motorshow!

Secondly, I'm expecting a full fledge of supermodels but some of them is really not fit. Luckily, I did focus on some of them who are fit...

This one looks a bit like Lim Shih-Eyong right? :)

Thank GOD! Now My RM20 is worth it... Car shots? Err... I forgotten where I save it....

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do you have what it takes?

Do you have what it takes to see through your creation?

All of us are creative and all of us at one time or another dreamt of doing or being something. We may have the 'silliest' inspiration to work on something or to create a new project but after the initial adrenalin rush of ideas, we mooted it off with 1001 excuses. We are not knowledgeable enough, rich enough, young enough, old enough, healthy enough, etc etc

Most of the people leave that 'silly' inspiration to it's initial form... thoughts. Thoughts which we rejected whole-heartedly with excuses.

Some people, act on it! They have 101% enthusiasm and energy at the initial stage to make that dream come true but then, as in all path, there will be challenges ahead. They then succumb to these challenges, unable to find solutions and drifting far away from their initial purpose. After numerous attempt and unable to find the breakthrough, they quit. Unfinished projects like this are all over the world.

Some, whose project has been running in their infant stage, cash out too soon. Victoria Secret is started by a man who wants to buy lingerie for his wife comfortably because he feel embarassed when walking in to other shops to purchase lingerie. After an initial run of success more than he ever had intended, he sold off the company for USD 2 Million. In 2 years time, Victoria Secret under the new management realize its' full potential and it is worth USD 500 Million! Like what Mark Zuckernberg the founder of Facebook says... Opportunities are hard to come by, but when we found one, we had this obligation to see it through to its' full potential no matter what! That is why Facebook is worth billions even though Friendster and MySpace has been in the internet for ages and they haven't even reach the billion dollar mark.

Make effort to think and act at the same time. Don't wait for muse to appear then only we start to think and take action... It doesn't work that way. Have critical thinking with you at all time and the muse that you've been searching will find you.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


If one is familiar with the property arena, one would have heard 'flipping' before. A person who flips is called a flipper and I am aspiring to be one with my newest project in hand.

According to Wikipeida, 'Flipping is a term used primarily in the United States to describe purchasing a revenue-generating asset and quickly reselling (or "flipping") it for profit. Though flipping can apply to any asset, the term is most often applied to real estate and initial public offerings.'

Although it's a term primarily used in the USA, I think Malaysians are also quite well verse on this currently.

Of course there are some risk towards flipping. Short term wise, if assets that you purchased fails to attract a new buyer, then you would face the risk of holding on to that property with a burdening mortgage or burning away the deposit that you have placed. But long term wise, as those value investors put it, once that asset is sold, you no longer enjoy the benefit of its' value and most of the time the profit earned is much less compared to the future value.

Of course being a bias that human are, at a particular point of time, one side of the view will be more favourable compared to the other side. Take for instance, if today I am a cash-tight but greedy investor around 30 years old, I have not develop the taste of tasting the future value therefore I would very much prefer to flip it for an immediate profit and buy my dream car from the profit.

However, if I am a multi millionaire who appreciates value investment, I would keep the asset that I purchase and receive the rental monthly for my retirement.

Do I flip?